Animal Mad Word Blanks
Animals stories can be hilarious when you drop random words in them. There are over a thousand user-created animal stories on Word Blanks!
- The flying pig 435
- The flying pig 453
- The jungle 459
- miouju and minou bi 465
- miouju and minou bi 496
- The Snow Day 484
- super dog 469
- Minouju and Minoubi 497
- about wolves 489
- The Lion's Share 455
- The Praying Mantis 493
- IMHDvehwh2w 485
- dog ATACKKED 526
- Horse sees the Vet 554
- The Roach Story 529
- Slumber Party 616
- An Animal and the Bee (nouns) 573
- A Very Fun Day at the Zoo 434
- Old McDonald Remix 521
- Lyna the happy lion 447
- Crazy Animal 574
- Animalz 532
- What in the... 557
- Something about a Hippo 486
- florida monkey 566
- florida monkey 500
- Fall on the Farm! 546
- Emmett the elephant 530
- My Pet Dog 482
- Three Little Pigs 463
- Pet Store 506
- fnanfsd 514
- My pet Cheetah 480
- A new animal 465
- Nouns 492
- The Crow andthe Fow 462
- The Crow andthe Fow 465
- Entomobia 506
- the turtle that broke his shell 492
- arwgreh 455
- adsadsad 495
- The lost dog 499
- Big dog little dog 390
- Help! I'm not human anymore! 465
- school idiot 497
- dogs of the world 486
- Sharks! part 1 500
- Jaguars! 493
- Simile 517
- King Gator 480