Comedy Mad Word Blanks
Just when you though your favorite sketches and comedies couldn't be any funnier... There are over 2k user-created comedy stories on Word Blanks!
- Saved by the Bell Theme Song 18,077
- How I met Luke 9,430
- Proton Saga 95
- Winston and Katie 2 2,638
- So you want to be a game developer? 3,893
- Famous Movie Quotes 17,760
- The Beatles do stuff!!! 17,817
- Homies (revised) 32,639
- How not to be like Justin Bieber. 8,839
- let it pigishness 3,171
- Can We Go Home Now? 175
- Cycling Over Rainbows 3,755
- The Haunted House 9,057
- The Plant that Wore Shoes 3,868
- Pudding Bears, and Chicken Pandas on Stilts 3,460
- Camp Steeb 5,986
- Chris Miley mad lib 2,566
- Logan Wise Madlib 2,724
- 10 Things Every High School Student Hates 9,481
- My best friend the cannibal. 7,617
- The Piranha Brothers - Monty Python (Part I) 2,388
- The Piranha Brothers - Monty Python (Part II) 1,955
- The Piranha Brothers - Monty Python (Part III) 1,523
- Tongue Twisters 5,589
- Charlie Bs life 1,949
- Let it Go! (remix) 4,034
- The Awkward Dinner 7,908
- F,F,Friends 2,369
- Winston and Katie 1,636
- Winston and Katie 3 1,394
- The Longest Field 1,507
- Steamed Hams: a Script 2,411
- Hillbilly letter 3,459
- About HowToBasic 1,763
- If I Were My Own Father 1,985
- 10 things that will get you kicked out of the macy day parade 1,939
- make your own story <3 <3 <3 3,969
- Twas the Night Before Christmas, ESL Style 4,988
- Magic mushrooms 31,456
- my famous life 35,774
- Knights of Ni 8,048
- Letter Home From Camp 24,513
- It's Raining Cats and Dogs! 5,258
- The Rabbit named CROUCH, and the Hippo named CORY 9,146
- 7 things remake! 10,481
- Letter to the Private School 8,898
- Unused Song Titles (My Version) 9,828
- One Liners! 7,423